пятница, 14 февраля 2020 г.


So in the end, what do we have? This is great stuff!. Oh absolutely not, Orchman. He later had some success on the classical-inspired metal guitar circuit". I can only highly recommend you snap this one up ASAP and grow to appreciate the level of talent this fine album showcases from start to finish Riminds a bit of the heavier 70's Queen. Who the hell am I?

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From the Acid Archives website: Or perhaps you've never heard of. Used to see Danny play all the time back at Ashgrove in Berdoo. It's a classic, and the rest of the album gains appeal by association with it. I do agree that the guitar work is decidedly 80's sounding, which makes this all the more interesting since it preceded the era by two years. We used to hang out at a buddies house off 15th Street in Berdoo. From one thing to another, here are 3 links for you.

If you are the legal copyright holder and wish to have the content removed, contact the owner of this blog and we will comply. And i also agree with you when you say this is a killer, it should have got more attention back in the days.

He later had some success on the classical-inspired metal guitar circuit".


Another totally obscure band, Alakana, were a vehicle for the guitar talents of Danny Alkana. One of the best axemen and showman of his time. The songs are very good but the highlight is the amazing minute 'The tower' where it starts with a melodic intro and then contnues with amazing heavy riffs.

So in the end, what do we have? Didn't know they where around until i found the revue at Lysergia, put them on my wantlist and found it a few years ago. This record is legendary and sought after by epic metal collectors although it contains pure hard rock.

The energy level of the album is overall pretty high, and it showcases how hard rock was starting to transition in the late s away from the long, slow, sometimes dull sounds of previous years to a more delcome, vibrant style as the s approached. The majority of this album is pretty standard macho flashy guitar stuff, better than most of its kind but nothing special unless welcom a genre fan.

Who the hell am I?

Robots For Ronnie: Alkana - Welcome To My Paradise ()

Pretty album cover, too. Let me make my case….

While it is a very strong release in many aspects, I gotta say that I think the album is somewhat overhyped. This is great stuff!. Fable - Same and Hammersmith - Same. One of those forgotten masterpieces.

For some reason the band decided this tune needed a ridiculously over the top vocal delivery that makes the song feel like a parody. Well paradie i hope the others came in handy. Newer Post Older Post Home. Riminds a bit of the heavier 70's Praadise.


JKR Musician, music geek and all around cool guy. For those that like this style this is an essential LP.

I can only highly recommend you snap this one up ASAP and grow to appreciate the level of talent this fine album showcases from start to finish Excellent stuff all 3 new posts Ronnie, but the favourite is ofcourse Alkana. I have to disagree with some of that assessment, as I feel alot of the material here is not only good, but even fantastic.

Any album containing these three songs is gonna receive high praise, and rightly so. Damned, i'm sorry if i pararise your expectations Ronnie but i didn't know that there was an US Bandit - Aokana from '75 floating around. But the album has more great songs.

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