понедельник, 17 февраля 2020 г.


The advertising model in its current form is coming to an end, and we have to find other ways to continue operating this site. Added multi select list which includes all Friend lists for the user as well as two hard coded options for "No Friend Lists" and "Friend Request Pending" Selected values are saved and reselected automatically Buttons moved and styled both to reduce space used as well as give visual indicators as to function. You must log in or register to reply here. Stopped reloading the list of users after doing a toggle test. Log in to rate this extension. Gives you a collection of emoticons that you can click for a simpler way to experience emoticons in chat. I just found one called FacebookDeletes , that serves the same purpose of removing bulk facebook friends from your friends list easily. facebookdeletes firefox

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This extension works with Firefox 57 and higher on Desktop. The developer is currently working on a new version of Facebook recently has made some design changes to their website. Learn more about Containers on our support site.

The frefox model in its current form is coming to an end, and we have to find other ways to continue operating this site. Ghacks is a technology news blog that was founded in by Martin Brinkmann. Facebook tapping our chats through microphone.

We need your help Advertising revenue is falling fast across the Internet, and independently-run sites like Ghacks are firevox hardest by it.

It displays the current status next to the What's on your mind box.

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You can change your status by writing something into the What's on your mind box. How to remove inactive or unwanted friends. Unfriend Facebook Friends In Bulk.

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AdBlock Firefoox We get it, advertisements are annoying! Fix recursion too much error. The article reviews several userscripts and browser extensions that enhance or change Facebook in manifold ways.

Anybody know how well these play together? Send me a message for anything important. If you are a Multi-Account Containers user who has already assigned Facebook to a Container, this extension will not work. If you're not on the new timeline version of facebook, get the old version from Please Log in or Register yourself to ask a question, participate in a discussion.

For the best site experience please disable your AdBlocker. This will highlight all the friends which will be deleted when you click the Delete button.

Which website features will not function? Add-on Links Homepage Support site Version 2. Facebook is also offering to open Facebook using a secure https connection.

Unfriend Facebook Friends In Bulk

Able to remove users from groups now. Dismiss Send abuse report. Do you have a lot of friends on Facebook? Facebook Container works by isolating your Facebook identity into a separate container that makes it harder for Facebook to track your visits to other websites with third-party cookies. Just In A Few Minutes.

Tutorial How To Delete Facebook Friends With Greasemonkey | Tutorial Collection Inspiration

What version of Firefox do I need for this? The opposite of this script is the facebook invites script How to delete inactive friends on Facebook This video will explain how to delete inactive or unwanted friends on Facebook. Facebbookdeletes may be occurring because you have set a preference or installed an extension that causes your browser to obscure its user agent for privacy or other reasons.

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Thread starter ssparikshya Start date 5 Apr FacebookDeletes If you want to delete friends on Facebook, you need to do that one by one firrfox the Friend's page there.

Now you can get rid of them by installing the Facebook Purity userscript which automatically removes them from the homepage. Access your data for all websites Clear recent browsing history, cookies, and related data Monitor extension usage firfox manage themes Access browser tabs Learn more about permissions.

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