воскресенье, 16 февраля 2020 г.


Then you will get another form. Then connects to Chat Room and seek latest message number. This is very simple idea of Remoting architecture, if you want to learn about this technology then you may read from MSDN site. And it registers for well known type of RemoteBase and mode type is Singleton. I will describe a Global Text Chat Room application using this technology. remotebase.dll

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Global Text Chat Room Application using C#.NET Remoting Technology

This DLL has about six methods like:. Your have to run the server by pressing the Start button. Now server has deleted your name from online user list.

This is very small code.

Server address needs to tell where your server is running. I am not going to explain about its theory, I am focusing mainly about its application. Then the file remotebsse.dll transfer from sender to receiver. Source code as below and full source code can download from following link: If you follow these steps then you can develop this type of chat system.

To join the chat room, the below code is executed:.


Could you check that link please. It will help us to get the chat message from server. This is very simple idea of Remoting architecture, if you want to learn about this technology then you may read from MSDN site.

You can not change reaming thing in address otherwise this chat application will not work. In client side the below method invokes —. This also holds a copy of Remoting base DLL. RegisterChannel chan, false.


Port number also can be changed but server opening port number and client requesting port number should be same. To run that application first you have to run server application. It connects to Server and via server communicates to other client. Chat room window has four sections largest one to see all chat message and below of that to type chat message, and send button to send message to server.


For better understanding, you may go through the code. To joining to chat room the below codes are executes. Show "File received successfully. Also by that timer collects latest user related information from server.


From that window it seeks latest available message in server by a timer. Read smallPiece, 0, remainDataSize.


This is client part of Remoting architecture. Just above is the list to display all online users. Here below codes plays in Client side —.

How to C# Socket Programming using Visual :

Server will remotebaae.dll for every user request with their id in the populated array. This is the counter which is maintaining the chat message number. Ok friend, next look at how data are getting from server —.

Your code helps me a lot: If you want to learn about this technology, then you may read from the MSDN site. To do it client call the below method —.

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