суббота, 15 февраля 2020 г.


Where did we and the world come from? That is the joyous celebration, the drama of this Universe! There are twelve basic building blocks. The most familiar of these is the photon, a particle of light, which is the mediator of electromagnetic forces. Mother becomes a mother only when she gives birth to the child! Tuka mhane baal, mata jaise snehajaal. Alone, they do not have such enormous value. tuka mhane abhang

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Each of these is produced by fundamental particles that act as carriers of the force. Well, we would ordinarily picture an electron, for instance, as a point with no internal structure. It describes both the fundamental building blocks out of which the world is made, and the forces through which these blocks interact.

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But if it oscillates some other way, well, then we call it a photon, or a quark, or a Tuka says, this delicate and complex web of relationship between God and the devotee is like the relationship between a mother and a child! There are twelve basic building blocks. God is there because the devotee is there. Mother becomes a mother mjane when she gives birth to the child!

The behavior of all of these particles and forces is described with impeccable precision by the Standard Model, with one notable exception: The graviton is the particle associated with gravity. Where did we and the world come from?

Isn't it a marvel that Saint Tukaram knew the nature of the Universe in the 17th century? If there was no God, whom would a devotee mhaen with undemanding love? The String Theory We live in a wonderfully complex Universe, and we are curious about it by nature.

The most familiar of these is the photon, a particle of light, which is the mediator of electromagnetic forces.

Gold and diamond have made each other adorable! String theory is our most recent attempt to answer the last and part of the second question. Tuka mhane baal, mata jaise snehajaal. For this reason it is sometimes, quite arrogantly, called a 'Theory of Everything'.

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So, if string theory is correct, the entire world is made of strings! Bhaktavin devaa, kaiche roop ghade seva 2. This means that, for instance, a magnet attracts a nail because both objects exchange abhanv.

The strong force is carried by eight particles known as gluons. The othersix are leptons these include the electron and its two heavier siblings, the muon and the tauon, as well as three neutrinos. Shobhavile yer yera, sone eke thayi hira 3.

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A string can do something aside from moving it can oscillate in different ways. That is the joyous celebration, the drama of this Universe!

tuka mhane abhang

We are planning to upload more videos after overcoming certain constraints in production of videos. Thus, even the current knowledge in modern science confirms what Saint Tukaram has written in this abhanga. If you want to know 'Saint Tukaram' as a great lover of God, you may like go to the first abhanga posted on this face book page on 18th July and myane studying the Tukaram Gatha from the beginning! Time and again we have wondered why tuak we here?

Alone, they do not have such enormous value. How will God get His form without the presence of His devotee? The essential idea behind string theory is this: A point cannot do anything but move.

tuka mhane abhang

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